Conference Program: PODS Sessions
This page describes the complete PODS Conference program. Please use the following links to skip to the sessions of interest:
Opening and PODS Keynote
Incomplete Data: What Went Wrong, and How to Fix it
Monday 8:30-9:45
Location: Ballroom
Hashtag: #pods14 #keynote
Leonid Libkin, University of Edinburgh
Session Chair: Richard Hull (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)
Session 1: Web Queries and Big Data
Monday 10:15-12:15
Location: Ballroom
Hashtag: #pods14 #R1Px
Session Chair: Serge Abiteboul (INRIA Saclay)
Expressive Languages for Querying the Semantic Web
Marcelo Arenas, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; Georg Gottlob, University of Oxford; Andreas Pieris, University of Oxford - Expressiveness of Guarded Existential Rule Languages
Georg Gottlob, University of Oxford; Sebastian Rudolph, Technische Universität Dresden; Mantas Šimkus, Vienna University of Technology - Containment and Equivalence of Well-Designed SPARQL
Reinhard Pichler, Vienna University of Technology; Sebastian Skritek, Vienna University of Technology - On Scale Independence for Querying Big Data
Wenfei Fan, University of Edinburgh and Beihang University; Floris Geerts, University of Antwerp; Leonid Libkin, University of Edinburgh
Session 2: PODS Award Session
Monday 13:45-14:45
Location: Ballroom
Hashtag: #pods14 #R2Px
Session Chair: Richard Hull (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)
Alberto O. Mendelzon Test-of-Time Award:
Composing Schema Mappings: Second-Order Dependencies to the Rescue
Ronald Fagin, IBM Almaden Research Center; Phokion G. Kolaitis, University of California Santa Cruz & IBM Almaden Research Center; Lucian Popa, IBM Almaden Research Center; Wang-Chiew Tan, University of California Santa Cruz
Foundations of Semantic Web Databases
Claudio Gutiérrez, Universidad de Chile; Carlos A. Hurtado, Microsystem; Alberto O. Mendelzon - Best Paper Award: Weaker Forms of Monotonicity for Declarative Networking: A More Fine-grained Answer to the CALM-conjecture
Tom J. Ameloot, Hasselt University and transnational University of Limburg; Bas Ketsman, Hasselt University and transnational University of Limburg; Frank Neven, Hasselt University and transnational University of Limburg; Daniel Zinn, LogicBlox, Inc.
Session 3: PODS Tutorial 1
Monday 15:00-16:10
Location: Ballroom
Hashtag: #pods14 #R3P1
Session Chair: Jan van den Bussche (Hasselt University and Transnational University of
- Tutorial 1: Model-Data Ecosystems:
Challenges, Tools, and Trends
Peter J. Haas, IBM Almaden Research Center
Session 4: Sketching and Sampling
Monday 16:45-18:15
Location: Ballroom
Hashtag: #pods14 #R4Px
Session Chair: Yufei Tao (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
- All-Distances Sketches, Revisited: HIP Estimators for Massive Graphs Analysis
Edith Cohen, Microsoft Research - Composable Core-sets for Diversity and Coverage Maximization
Piotr Indyk, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Sepideh Mahabadi, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Mohammad Mahdian, Google, Inc.; Vahab S. Mirrokni, Google, Inc. - Is Min-Wise Hashing Optimal for Summarizing Set Intersection?
Rasmus Pagh, IT University of Copenhagen; Morten Stöckel, IT University of Copenhagen; David P. Woodruff, IBM Almaden Research Center
Session 5: Enumeration, Counting, and Probabilities
Tuesday 10:30-12:10
Location: Maybird
Hashtag: #pods14 #R5Px
Session Chair: Dan Suciu (University of Washington)
- Enumerating Answers to First-Order Queries
over Databases of Low Degree
Arnaud Durand, CNRS and ENS Cachan; Nicole Schweikardt, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt; Luc Segoufin, INRIA and ENS Cachan - Counting Solutions to Conjunctive Queries: Structural and
Hybrid Tractability
Gianluigi Greco, University of Calabria; Francesco Scarcello, University of Calabria - A Dichotomy for Nonrepeating Queries with
Negation in Probabilistic Databases
Robert Fink, University of Oxford; Dan Olteanu, University of Oxford and LogicBlox, Inc.
Session 6: Tutorial Session 2
Tuesday 13:30-15:10
Location: Maybird
Hashtag: #pods14 #R6Px
Session Chair: Pablo Barceló (Universidad de Chile)
- Tutorial 2: Database Principles in Information Extraction
Benny Kimelfeld, LogicBlox, Inc. - Regular paper: Cleaning Inconsistencies in Information
Extraction via Prioritized Repairs
Ronald Fagin, IBM Almaden Research Center; Benny Kimelfeld, LogicBlox, Inc; Frederick Reiss, IBM Almaden Research Center; Stijn Vansummeren, Université Libre de Bruxelles
Session 7: Classics
Tuesday 15:40-17:20
Location: Maybird
Hashtag: #pods14 #R7Px
Session Chair: Nicole Schweikardt (Goethe University Frankfurt)
- Nested Dependencies: Structure and Reasoning
Phokion G. Kolaitis, University of California Santa Cruz and IBM Almaden Research Center; Reinhard Pichler, Vienna University of Technology; Emanuel Sallinger, Vienna University of Technology; Vadim Savenkov, Vienna University of Technology - Does Query Evaluation Tractability Help Query Containment?
Pablo Barceló, University of Chile; Miguel Romero, University of Chile; Moshe Y. Vardi, Rice University - Generating Low-cost Plans from Proofs
Michael Benedikt, University of Oxford; Balder ten Cate, LogicBlox, Inc.; Efthymia Tsamoura, University of Oxford
Session 8: Computing Joins
Wednesday 10:30-12:10
Location: Maybird
Hashtag: #pods14 #R8Px
Session Chair: Tony Tan (Hasselt University)
- Skew in Parallel Query Processing
Paul Beame, University of Washington; Paraschos Koutris, University of Washington; Dan Suciu, University of Washington - The Input/Output Complexity of Triangle Enumeration
Rasmus Pagh, IT University of Copenhagen; Francesco Silvestri, University of Padova - Beyond Worst-case Analysis for Joins with Minesweeper
Hung Q. Ngo, University at Buffalo, SUNY; Dung T. Nguyen, University at Buffalo, SUNY; Christopher Ré, Stanford University; Atri Rudra, University at Buffalo, SUNY
Session 9: Data Structures and Range Queries
Wednesday 15:00-17:10
Location: Maybird
Hashtag: #pods14 #R9Px
Session Chair: Martin Grohe (RWTH Aachen University)
- Independent Range Sampling
Xiaocheng Hu, Chinese University of Hong Kong; Miao Qiao, Chinese University of Hong Kong; Yufei Tao, Chinese University of Hong Kong - A Dynamic I/O-Efficient Structure for One-Dimensional Top-k Range Reporting
Yufei Tao, Chinese University of Hong Kong - Categorical Range Maxima Queries
Manish Patil, Louisiana State University; Sharma V. Thankachan, University of Waterloo; Rahul Shah, Louisiana State University; Yakov Nekrich, University of Waterloo; Jeffrey Scott Vitter, The University of Kansas - Cost-Oblivious Storage Reallocation
Michael A. Bender, Stony Brook University; Martín Farach-Colton, Rutgers University; Sándor P. Fekete, TU Braunschweig; Jeremy T. Fineman, Georgetown University; Seth Gilbert, National University of Singapore
- Tutorial 1:Model-Data Ecosystems:
Challenges, Tools, and Trends
Monday 15:00-16:10
Location: Ballroom
Hashtag: #pods14 #R3P1
Peter J. Haas, IBM Almaden Research Center - Tutorial 2: Database Principles in Information Extraction
Tuesday 13:30-15:10
Location: Maybird
Hashtag: #pods14 #R7P1
Benny Kimelfeld, LogicBlox, Inc.
Tuesday 20:15- Location: The Event Tent Hashtag: #sigmod14 #pods14 #rp2
- PODS/SIGMOD Research Plenary Poster Session
Papers from all PODS Sessions and from SIGMOD Sessions Research 10 to 18, Research 24 to 28, and Industry 3 and 4.