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Conference Program: PODS Sessions

This page describes the complete PODS Conference program. Please use the following links to skip to the sessions of interest:

Opening and PODS Keynote

Incomplete Data: What Went Wrong, and How to Fix it

Monday 8:30-9:45
Location: Ballroom
Hashtag: #pods14 #keynote
Leonid Libkin, University of Edinburgh
Session Chair: Richard Hull (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)


Session 1: Web Queries and Big Data

Monday 10:15-12:15
Location: Ballroom
Hashtag: #pods14 #R1Px
Session Chair: Serge Abiteboul (INRIA Saclay)

Session 2: PODS Award Session

Monday 13:45-14:45
Location: Ballroom
Hashtag: #pods14 #R2Px
Session Chair: Richard Hull (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)

Session 3: PODS Tutorial 1

Monday 15:00-16:10
Location: Ballroom
Hashtag: #pods14 #R3P1
Session Chair: Jan van den Bussche (Hasselt University and Transnational University of Limburg)

Session 4: Sketching and Sampling

Monday 16:45-18:15
Location: Ballroom
Hashtag: #pods14 #R4Px
Session Chair: Yufei Tao (Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Session 5: Enumeration, Counting, and Probabilities

Tuesday 10:30-12:10
Location: Maybird
Hashtag: #pods14 #R5Px
Session Chair: Dan Suciu (University of Washington)

Session 6: Tutorial Session 2

Tuesday 13:30-15:10
Location: Maybird
Hashtag: #pods14 #R6Px
Session Chair: Pablo Barceló (Universidad de Chile)

Session 7: Classics

Tuesday 15:40-17:20
Location: Maybird
Hashtag: #pods14 #R7Px
Session Chair: Nicole Schweikardt (Goethe University Frankfurt)

Session 8: Computing Joins

Wednesday 10:30-12:10
Location: Maybird
Hashtag: #pods14 #R8Px
Session Chair: Tony Tan (Hasselt University)

Session 9: Data Structures and Range Queries

Wednesday 15:00-17:10
Location: Maybird
Hashtag: #pods14 #R9Px
Session Chair: Martin Grohe (RWTH Aachen University)



Tuesday 20:15-
Location: The Event Tent
Hashtag: #sigmod14 #pods14 #rp2

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