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SIGMOD 2014 Travel Award

Thanks to the generous support from the National Science Foundation, SIGMOD, and other sponsors, we will provide scholarship awards to selected students attending the SIGMOD/PODS conference. The scholarships will include financial support for traveling and conference registrations.

Each awardee will receive a stipend to partially cover the expense to attend the conference. Awardees will also be given priority access to on-site and off-line recruitment events with our Gold and Platinum sponsors.

Awardees are expected to register for the main conference as well as one of the student oriented events (SIGMOD/PODS Ph.D. Symposium or the Database Mentoring Workshop). Students will have to make their own arrangements for travel and accommodation.

Applicants need to be a full-time student (undergraduate or graduate). Applicants also need to be a SIGMOD member at the time of receiving this award (to become a member of SIGMOD, you don't need to be a member of the ACM -- students can join SIGMOD for $10).

Applicants do not need to have an accepted paper to be eligible. However, students who are primary authors of an accepted paper in the main conference or the workshops are especially encouraged to apply. Junior students without papers accepted for publication at SIGMOD/PODS, but involved in research closely related to the topics of the conference are also encouraged to apply. Applications from female and minority students are especially encouraged.

Students whose advisor cannot provide financial support to attend the conference will be given priority.

Application Procedure
To apply for a grant, the student must submit the necessary materials through the website ( no later than April 25, 2014 (11:59pm PST). Students are encouraged to have the applications sent as soon as possible. Applications arriving after the deadline will not be considered. The notification date is May 9, 2014. . Please submit the following materials (in a single PDF file) with your application:

  • Student's full name and email address.
  • Name and address of student's school.
  • Advisor's full name and email address.
  • A one-page abstract from the student, summarizing a broad view of his/her research with motivation, problem description, approach, and progress; the abstract must be written in English and needs to comply with the two-column ACM proceedings format.
  • A 1-2 page CV of the student.

Important Dates

  • Application submission: April 25, 2014, 11:59pm PST
  • Application notification: May 9, 2014.

We are looking forward to receiving your applications! A list of winners to the SIGMOD 2014 travel award will be announced on the SIGMOD 2014 website.


You may send your questions regarding the travel award application process to Alexandra Meliou ( and Cong Yu (

Travel Award Selection Committee

  • Sihem Amer-Yahia, Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble
  • Marcelo Arenas, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Xuemin Lin, University of New South Wales
  • Sam Madden, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Jignesh Patel, University of Wisconsin, Madison
  • Divesh Srivastava, AT&T Research

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